By Tina Zawila
At UHY Haines Norton we are all about supporting our clients achieve their dreams and goals in business and in life. In particular, we have a passion for small business. There is nothing more satisfying than sharing the journey with a small business owner, helping them from start up, through the ups and downs and eventually to assist with the sale/succession of their business.

We understand that being in business can be lonely, and the challenges that have been thrown at us through this pandemic have sometimes created more isolation and loneliness. But you don’t need to feel alone. Never before, has there been more support for small business. So many areas of government and other organisations have programs and support for small business owners.
We have been the proud facilitators of the Rio Tinto Community Fund’s Here for Business Program offering professional business advice and funding (via an interest-free loan) to start ups and growing businesses, since 2018. The Program is designed to help businesses within our Gladstone region generate new employment and economic activity.
Recently we also partnered with Gladstone Engineering Alliance to deliver the Boost Your Business Program sponsored by METS Ignited and the Queensland Government to assist local businesses grow and prosper.
We are also collaborating with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s Office for Rural and Regional Queensland to support businesses across Central Queensland to ensure success and sustainability of small business.
What I have noticed with all of these programs and departments is that there is often not a lack of support available, but rather a lack of small business owners to take advantage of the support! I understand that identifying program/s available and determining your eligibility can be difficult, but I encourage you to make contact, attend workshops, functions and seminars. By reaching out, you may or may not be able to access the specific program or support, but what you will get is the opportunity to talk to someone who might be able to point you in the right direction or offer support and advice just from that interaction.
By supporting each other and collaborating with various organisations and government we really can make CQ the place to do business and to lead the charge in our economy’s recovery. If you need advice and support please call the professional team at UHY Haines Norton CQ on +61 7 4972 1300. We are here to help.