Superannuation can often be misunderstood. Superannuation is a structure through which you invest. There are rules that must be complied with, and your money is locked away until you are at least over 55 and it's an area of tax that is changing all the time. The super tax rate is 15% on earnings and contributions, which makes it the most effective investment vehicle because you get to keep a higher amount of your after tax earnings. This means more of your income is working for you to build wealth. Superannuation must be one part of your Financial Solution strategy.
Superannuation is the foundation of your retirement plan. The sooner this fits into your overall wealth planning strategy - the greater the retirement outcome. Those who use Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF) with our financial planning service will experience our approach of only investing in Best of Breed investments and funds.
Superannuation is an investment vehicle that enjoys special tax treatment to encourage you to provide for your retirement. It’s a useful tool for providing you with a regular income once you do retire. Most investments that you can hold in your name can also be held within superannuation, such as cash, fixed interest, property or shares.
We provide a cashbook service to minimise the burden of maintaining your SMSF accounts and our Financial Advisers guide clients on superannuation strategies such as salary sacrifice, personal contributions, consolidation of superannuation, investments and other tools, which can help supercharge the growth of your superannuation.

Other important areas to consider when it
comes to your superannuation are:
• Will you have enough in retirement?
• When will you retire?
• Investments – are your investments suitable for you and your goals?
• Contributions – are you contributing enough?
• Insurance – what would happen to your family if you couldn’t work or didn’t reach retirement?
• Do you have an advisor and a plan?
• Do you have any lost superannuation contributions out there?
• Consolidate your superannuation funds.