Tax legislation and policy is forever changing in Australia and globally. Organisations are naturally looking to grow their markets and business, and UHY Haines Norton act as a partner to help them reach that destination with minimal tax impact.
We are continually updating our deep technical expertise, and broad perspective on a wide range of complex tax matters to help us to understand your challenges and identify opportunities. We take a collaborative approach to work with you and your unique challenges while our teams take the time to build long-term, advisory-focused relationships that support your business goals.
From sole proprietors, through to SMEs and large entrepreneurial business corporations, our focus is
on your business, your success and minimal tax.

Strong dynamic relationships through our network combined with in-depth technical knowledge
applied to your business to ensure your tax compliance is managed thoroughly. Our advice is relevant
to you and integrated to meet your business needs.
Owner-manager tax planning
design a tax-efficient organisation structure | raise capital
remuneration strategy design | exit strategy or selling your business
Corporate tax planning
corporate reorganisation | asset transfers | amalgamations and wind-ups | share structure reorganisation
There are always changes to corporate tax on the horizon. Building relationships help build a greater
understanding of these issues and how they affect your business tax exposure.
Anticipating and dealing knowledgeably with the Australian tax environment is critical to your
bottom line. Our corporate tax team local, nationally and globally are here to provide pragmatic and
realistic solutions for your business.
Over and above providing tax planning and compliance, we are committed to sharing our insights as
part of the education process into the complexities, risks and opportunities in plain English and
above all – relevant to you.
And, if you are on the trail to global domination, we can help minimise the global tax rates through
our network of professionals who collaborate with us locally, to deliver tailored solutions globally as you grow and experience new issues and landscapes.
There’s more to doing your taxes than filling out forms. Having a deep understanding of the tax laws
is paramount. Your goal is to ensure you’re paying your fair share, but also benefiting from a
well-planned tax strategy that addresses your needs today and anticipates them tomorrow.
We invest the time to discuss your unique situation and will answer your questions about tax and
compliance concerns you may be confronted with. We try to make everything less taxing for you.
Family-run and owned businesses have unique issues associated with sale, succession and estate planning. We can help you maximise the value of your business and prepare for sale or succession. We can also provide advice on the tax implications of selling your business. We work with you and your family in advance of anticipated transitions, to ensure that tax and industry-specific issues are seen to, while helping you maintain the value of the business and all-important family relationships. We offer advice and services in the following areas:
facilitation services | business succession planning | information memorandums capital gains tax
structuring a family-owned business will and estate planning | charitable gift planning
The Research and development (R&D) tax incentive encourages companies to engage in R&D
benefiting Australia, by providing a tax offset for eligible R&D activities. It has two core components:
- a refundable tax offset for certain eligible entities whose aggregated turnover is less than $20 million
- a non-refundable tax offset for all other eligible entities
We can determine if you’re eligible and help you to optimise your tax credit opportunities.
Industries that often qualify for this tax credit include:
IT | manufacturing | green technology | construction | medical | pharmaceutical | agriculture